Since 1992, Inserlec manufactures stranded conductors.
Mostly designed for high performance cables, our products meet a large variety
of specifications, from test prototypes to steady scheduled batches.
- Support the success of our clients, through our quality culture, our responsiveness and our suggestions
- Build a more competitive and more efficient team, every day
- Manage a responsible development
- Generate a margin that allows the financing of our investments and innovative projects
In our team you would meet:
Fabrication technicians, actual owners of the valuable expertise, playing the stranding score
The Production manager, supervising schedules and shop performance, leading the knowledge throughout the workshop
Our QSE coordinator, as the pilot of our ISO certified system, stimulates the dynamic of improvement
The managing-director Assistant, as a one-woman band, oversees sales administration, logistic and supply
The Accountant, for several reasons she is the financial right arm of the CEO
Our IT system manager, ensuring the performance and the smartness of our data processing
A President/CEO, among other things, builds the long term trend from the every-day commitments.
“A close partnership : from the draft of your specifications to the qualification status of your products”
- A close partnership: from the draft of your specifications to the qualification status of your products
- A high performance team working to achieve your quality requirements and tight schedules
- A responsive organisation in processing data flow and logistic request
- A demonstrated “know-how” using experimental trial to manufacture your prototypes
- Complementary machine capacities : Single twist, Double twist, Tubular stranders, Planetary stranding machine and Drum Twister
- Process capacity of 350 Tons per year: Production per scheduled batches or individual orders
- An international procurement strategy for raw materials
Test and control facility in the middle of production lines, with an easy and permanent access to shop technicians :
- Wheatston bridge (Electric resistance at +/- 0.05 %)
- 3 ways laser beam diameter measuring device (+/- 1.0 µm)
- Optical/digital binocular (from x5 to x60)
- Tensile-traction machine, with 100 N and 10 kN gauges. A maintained data-base to store the key parameters required by your specifications as well as the data of our trials.
“A process capacity of 350 Tons per year :
Production per scheduled batches or individual orders”
We manufacture high technology conductors from 7 x 30 μm to 19 x 19 x 32 x 0,070 mm.
Cross sections:
- 0,0035 mm² to 200 mm²
- Awg 41 to Awg 5/0
- Unilay
- Semi-concentric, true-concentric
- Rope-Lay
Single wires:
20 μm to 2,0 mm
- Tin, silver, nickel plated copper or aluminium
- Copper Clad Aluminium or Steel
- Composit conductors: steel and copper, copper and aluminium
Tensile grade:
soft or hard drawn, up to 2 000 MPa

- 61 x 0.320 mm Unilay
- 37 x 0.300 in true concentric / 3 passes
- 37 x 42 x 0.200 Ni plated copper
- 7 x 17 x 0.500 Ni plated copper Clad Al
- 83 x 0.150 semi-concentric copper
- 19 x 0.050 silver plated copper
- 7 x 7 x 0.025 HD steel
- 19 x 7 x 0.370 SB Al
- 19 x 41 x 0.510 SB Al
- 44 x 0.080 Ni plated copper
- etc..
- 51 x 0.120 Tin plated copper
- 19 x 0.280 composit (copper + steel)
- 127 x 0.300 in true-concentric / 5 passes
- 27 x 7 x 0.280 concentric assembly / 1 or 2 passes
- 7 x 29 x 0.510 Ni plated Al
- 19 x 21 x 0.370 SB Al
- 37 x 0.600 concentric assembly
- 45 x 0.100 SB copper
- 48 x 0.050 Tin plated copper
For more information, please download:
A proven expertise, recognized by some of the largest and most demanding
cable-manufacturers, made us a reference specialist in the stranding of
conductors. Through our customers, we supply the following markets:





Wire Düsseldorf 04/2024

« Tell me what you read and I’ll tell you who you are. »

Dorian Fosse joined us in March 2019 as Production Manager.
From the Furniture Industry, he brings us his young experience in Method and Process management.

We name her MANDARIN for several reasons.
She was well expected. And now she makes the job !

Welcome to INSERLEC

Back-twist pay-off
France-Relance investment received in 2023
Almost the same AWG
The same metal base = Aluminium
3 different processes
3 specifications
… 3 pleased customers !

Parc Industriel de la Plaine de l’Ain
55 allée des Erables
Tél. : + 33 (0)474 462 424